Social media copywriting
Savvy social media copy can be the difference between going viral and going nowhere.

Social media copywriting is an art
I know. I would say that, wouldn’t I?
Thing is, it’s true. Take Twitter for example:
Getting your point across in fewer than 140 characters can be tough. Every word counts; especially if you’re promoting a product or service.
140 characters on the nose. Thank you.
Seriously, though, creating good copy for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or any of the other social sites out there, isn’t easy. All of these platforms are swamped with people vying for attention. You need to stand out.
Tailored social media copy will get you noticed…and shared
Creating a short, sharp accompaniment to complement the product or service that you are promoting will increase your click-through rate dramatically.
Similarly, if you are trying to increase your company’s reach by promoting your website, adding a crafted message to a post, rather than simply sharing a link, will give your content a far greater chance of going viral.
Using known and proven triggers within your social media copy can even make people share your stuff without them knowing why they’re doing so. It’s not deceptive, it’s human nature.
You see, subconsciously, everyone feels the need to look good amongst their peers and these triggers feed that need; giving readers an extra nudge towards hitting the share button.
Create your brand personality
Another fantastic benefit of using social media wisely is that you can create a personality around your brand that will heighten the trust levels of both existing and prospective customers alike.
Maintaining the same tone of voice and keeping your personality consistent will encourage familiarity and make interaction far more likely to happen. After all, who would you prefer to deal with – a friend or a stranger?
My copy will allow your company’s character to shine through, giving brand recognition to your followers whenever they see a tweet or a post from your business.
Does your social strategy need a makeover?
Great social media copy can broaden your reach, strengthen your brand and increase sales. Can you really afford not to get it right?
Contact me today so we can start to put your business back in the forefront of your customers’ minds.