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Get it right and your site will be a dream to use, get it wrong and it will do nothing but confuse.

microcopy writing services by david charles bedford

Small things matter

Microcopy can really make or break a website.

Unfortunately, it tends to be often overlooked. Forms, buttons, labels and tabs all contain microcopy, yet they very rarely get the attention they deserve.

It’s so easy to settle for the generic, but:

  • What if you made these bite-size pieces of writing chime with the rest of your brand?
  • What if you injected a bit of humour into an otherwise bland and boring checkout screen?
  • What if you livened up the sign-up process for your newsletter or online course?

People notice these things, and a sweeter user experience (UX) means fewer drop-offs and more conversions for your website.

Show your microcopy some love

Paying attention to your site’s microcopy – or UX content as it is sometimes referred to – shows customers that you care about every aspect of their visit. It improves their perception of your brand, and it helps to build trust in it too.

Clear communication is vital if you want to hold your visitors attention – waffle and jargon have no place on a modern website.

Removing any vague messages and transforming them into crystal clear copy will not only make it easier for your visitors to navigate their way around your site, it’ll make a great deal of difference to your conversion rate too.

People like things that are easy to understand, and they’re much more likely to take action if they get what you mean right off the bat. Frustrate them and they’ll leave – even if they’ve already placed items into their virtual shopping basket.

Give them what they want…and get what you need

Think of it as good old-fashioned customer service.

Your microcopy should be the attentive (but not pushy) shop assistant for your site. It should lead visitors through the buying process and send them off with a handful of goods and a smile.

They’re happy, you’re happy – everybody wins!

If you’ve never given much thought to the words that are used in your forms, buttons, tabs, labels and other incy-wincy sections of copy that make up your site, you’re missing a trick.

Drop me a line today and let’s start to get your site optimised for success.